Mar 18, 2011

I heard....

You know what's a fun thing to do?

Catching somebody up in some mess,


Having someone tell on themselves.

I realized that folks get nervous as hell when you start the conversation with,

"I heard about you..."

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At that moment, they have to comb their entire memory banks about what sick and twisted ridiculous shit that they have gotten into that they REFUSE to get out in public.


Depending on the person and the relationship, what have they done that this other person does NOT know about.

So I like to have fun with this.

Cuz it's ALWAYS the same reaction:

What you hear!?

With SOOOO much panic in their voice.

And depending on what is said next, that's the point when folks tell on themselves.


My bad,

Cleaning up their story.

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I was JUST joking...

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